© Charasound 2015
© Charasound 2015
Charasound is currently featuring the poetry of Marion Fawlk. The poem’ “Gateways” was written in Spain in 1992. Artist, photographer and poet Marion Fawlk has a longstanding relationship with the sacred nature of words, image and light. She has given readings throughout the UK in venues that include The Teilhard Sacred Centre, London, Rochester Festival of Literature and St. James, Piccadilly, London and has shared performances with international poets Sir George Trevelyan, Laurie Lee and Jay Ramsay. Her poems are published in ‘Mysterium’ (by PhotoStroud and Chrysalis Poetry) and in an anthology of sacred poetry: ‘Earth Ascending’ (edited by Jay Ramsay, published by Stride UK). For further information please email editor@charasound.com
sacred poetry collection
Confirm, Confirm
Make this the pilgrimage
Unlock the gateways of the heart
Forestalling not with dross imaginings
The flames of the high altar
Burn continually
Make your footsteps swift
Linger not on the low plains
But lift yourself
On frequencies of higher heavens
Arch your soul
Your spirit is strong
It carries the cord of your birthright
Let this be the bridge
Bestowed in the cradle of stars
The map lies in the palm
Your flesh the patterned compass
Of transition
Allow the points
Falter not in their direction
Your voyage is foresworn
Naked in the cell of truth
Stand in the memories
That pulse the blood
And cross the borderline
Speaking in tonques of holy
© marion fawlk
Sacred Poetry